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돈을 꾸다 Meaning in English
The Korean phrase 돈을 꾸다 meaning in English translates to “to borrow money” in English.
- 돈: Money.
- 꾸다: To borrow or lend.
This phrase is commonly used when talking about borrowing money from a friend, family member, or financial institution.
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돈을 꾸다 Nuances and Usage
Context of Use:
- Personal Loans
- Refers to borrowing money informally from someone you know.
- Example Korean: 친구한테 돈을 좀 꾸었어요.
- Translation: I borrowed some money from a friend.
- Financial Borrowing
- Can also refer to taking out a loan from a bank or institution.
- Example Korean: 은행에서 돈을 꾸려고 해요.
- Translation: I’m planning to borrow money from the bank.
- Polite vs. Casual Tone
- 꾸다 is more casual. For formal situations, 빌리다 is often preferred.
Example Sentences with 돈을 꾸다 Meaning in English
(Borrowing from a friend)
Korean: 친구에게 돈을 꾸었어요.
English: I borrowed money from a friend.
- 친구에게 (from a friend) 돈을 꾸었어요 (borrowed money)
(Borrowing from the bank)
Korean: 은행에서 돈을 꾸고 싶어요.
English: I want to borrow money from the bank.
- 은행에서 (from the bank) 돈을 꾸고 싶어요 (want to borrow money)
(Asking for money politely)
Korean: 돈을 좀 꾸어 줄 수 있어요?
English: Can you lend me some money?
- 돈을 좀 (some money) 꾸어 줄 수 있어요 (can you lend me?)
Understanding 돈을 꾸다 meaning in English and its context allows you to navigate discussions about borrowing money in Korean, whether informally or formally. Mastering phrases like this brings you closer to fluency in real-life scenarios.
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