신경을 쓰다 Meaning in English with 3 Examples

신경을 쓰다 Meaning in English

신경을 쓰다 Meaning in English

The Korean phrase 신경을 쓰다 meaning in English translates to “to pay attention to” or “to care about” in English. This 신경을 쓰다 eaning in Englishversatile expression is used in various contexts to describe actively giving thought or attention to something, whether it’s a concern, task, or another person.

For example:

  • “She pays a lot of attention to her appearance” becomes 그녀는 외모에 신경을 많이 써.
  • “Don’t worry about it too much” becomes 너무 신경 쓰지 마.

신경 means “nerves” or “attention,” and 쓰다 means “to use.” Together, they convey the act of investing mental energy into something.

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신경을 쓰다 Nuances and Usage

The phrase 신경을 쓰다 carries a tone of mindfulness or concern. Depending on the context, it can express:

  1. Careful Attention: Focusing on details or specific tasks.
    • 예: 요리에 신경을 많이 썼어. (I paid a lot of attention to the cooking.)
  2. Worry or Concern: Feeling anxious or bothered by something.
    • 예: 작은 일에도 신경을 쓰는 성격이에요. (I’m the type to worry about even small things.)
  3. Effort for Others: Being considerate or thoughtful.
    • 예: 그녀가 내 생일 선물에 신경 써 줬어. (She put thought into my birthday gift.)

Learning to use 신경을 쓰다 meaning in English naturally in different situations will enhance your ability to convey care, effort, or worry in Korean.

Example Sentences with 신경을 쓰다 Meaning in English

(Paying attention to appearance)

Korean: 그녀는 외모에 신경을 많이 써.
English: She pays a lot of attention to her appearance.

  • 그녀는 (she) 외모에 (to her appearance) 신경을 많이 써 (pays a lot of attention).

(Worrying about details)

Korean: 그는 사소한 일에도 신경을 써.
English: He worries about even the smallest things.

  • 그는 (he) 사소한 일에도 (even small things) 신경을 써 (pays attention/worries).

(Asking not to worry)

Korean: 너무 신경 쓰지 마.
English: Don’t worry about it too much.

  • 너무 (too much) 신경 쓰지 마 (don’t worry).


신경을 쓰다 meaning in English captures the act of paying attention, being thoughtful, or worrying in a variety of situations. It’s an essential expression for describing care or concern in Korean conversations.

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