마음을 먹다 meaning in English with 3 Examples

마음을 먹다 meaning in English

마음을 먹다 Meaning in English

The Korean expression 마음을 먹다 is an idiomatic phrase that translates to “to make up one’s mind” or “to decide” in English. It’s a versatile expression often used when someone resolves to do something, whether it’s a big life decision or a simple daily choice.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the meaning, usage, and cultural nuance of this phrase, along with some practical examples to help you understand and use 마음을 먹다 Meaning in English effectively.

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What does 마음을 먹다 mean?

  1. 마음: The heart, mind, or feelings.
  2. 먹다: To eat, but in this context, it metaphorically means to take or set.

Together, “마음을 먹다” implies “taking or setting one’s heart/mind on something.”

When to Use 마음을 먹다?

You can use 마음을 먹다 in situations where you:

  • Make a firm decision to do something.
  • Resolve to overcome a challenge.
  • Commit to changing your habits or starting something new.

Example sentences with 마음을 먹다 meaning in English

Here are a few examples to show how 마음을 먹다 Meaning in English is used in real-life situations:

1. Making a Big Decision:

Korean: 드디어 새로운 일을 시작하기로 마음을 먹었어요.
English: I finally made up my mind to start a new job.

드디어 (finally) 새로운 (new) 일 (job) 을 (my object is a new job) 시작하 (to start) 기로 (to (decide)) 마음을 먹 (to make up my mind) 었 (past tense) 어요 (I’m telling you polite and friendly).

2. Resolving to Change:

Korean: 건강을 위해 운동을 시작하기로 마음을 먹었어.
English: I’ve decided to start exercising for my health.

건강 (health) 을 (my object is my health) 위해 (for) 운동 (workout) 을 (my object is workout) 시작하 (to start) 기로 (to (decide)) 마음을 먹 (to make up my mind) 었 (past tense) 어 (I’m telling you casually).

3. Overcoming Hesitation:

Korean: 오랜 고민 끝에 유학을 가기로 마음을 먹었어요.
English: After much thought, I’ve decided to study abroad.

오랜 (a long time of) 고민 (consideration) 끝에 (at last) 유학 (to study abroad) 을 (my object is studying abroad) 가 (to go) 기로 (to (decide)) 마음을 먹 (to make up my mind) 었 (past tense) 어요. (I’m telling you polite and friendly).

4. Simple Daily Decisions:

Korean: 오늘은 집에서 쉬기로 마음을 먹었어.
English: I decided to rest at home today.

오늘 (today) 은 (my topic is today) 집 (home) 에서 (at) 쉬 (to rest) 기로 (to (decide)) 마음을 먹 (to make up my mind) 었 (past tense) 어(I’m telling you casually).

Cultural Insight

In Korean culture, decisions are often made with a strong emotional component, which is why the word 마음 (mind/heart) is emphasized in this expression. It’s not just about logic but also about aligning your feelings and determination.

Synonyms for 마음을 먹다

If you want to use other expressions with similar meanings, try these:

  • 결심하다: To resolve (more formal).
  • 다짐하다: To vow or pledge.
  • 각오하다: To prepare oneself mentally (usually for challenges).

Learning Korean through examples like this is helpful, but imagine understanding it naturally through stories! Check out my Story Courses to make learning Korean easy and fun!Go to Korean Course

By understanding and using phrases like “마음을 먹다 meaning in English you can express yourself more naturally in Korean and deepen your cultural appreciation. Happy learning!

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