Cleaning in Korean: 6 Powerful Ways to Master Cleaning items

Cleaning in Korean

Must-Have Tools for Cleaning in Korean

In Korean, “cleaning” is pronounced as “청소” (cheong-so). It is a versatile word that covers different types of “cleaning in Korean,” such as cleaning the house, cleaning a room, or cleaning any other space or object. Whether you’re discussing everyday household chores or professional “cleaning in Korean” services, “청소” (cheong-so) is the term you would commonly use in Korean. So, next time you want to talk about “cleaning in Korean,” remember to use “청소” (cheong-so) to express the idea clearly and effectively.

Maintaining a clean and tidy home is important in Korean culture, and cleaning in Korean is an essential aspect of it. Here are some common cleaning supplies you may find in Korean households:

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Broom and Dustpan

A broom and dustpan, or “빗자루와 쓰레받이” (bitjaruwa sseurebaji), are essential tools for sweeping and collecting dirt, dust, and debris from floors.

청소를 위해 새로운 빗자루와 쓰레받기를 사야 해요.

 청소를 (cheong-so-reul) 위해 (wi-hae) 새로운 (sae-ro-un) 빗자루와 (bit-jja-ru-wa) 쓰레받기를 (sseu-re-bat-ggi-reul) 사야 (sa-ya) 해요 (hae-yo).

 청소 (cleaning) 를 위해 (for) 새로운 (new) 빗자루 (broom) 와 (and) 쓰레받기 (dustpan) 를 (my object is a new broom and dustpan) 사 (to buy) 아야 해요 (need to; in a polite and friendly way). * 사 + 아야 = 사야

 I need to buy a new broom and dustpan for cleaning.

 Lit. (I) need to buy new broom and dustpan for cleaning.

Mop and Bucket

A mop and bucket, or “걸레와 양동이” (geollewa yangdongi), are used for mopping and cleaning hard floors. The mop is typically made of absorbent material and is dipped into a bucket filled with water and cleaning solution.

걸레와 양동이로 바닥을 닦을 거예요.

 걸레와 (geol-le-wa) 양동이로 (yang-dong-i-ro) 바닥을 (ba-da-geul) 닦을 (da-ggeul) 거예요 (ggeo-ye-yo).

 걸레 (mop) 와 (and) 양동이 (bucket) 로 (with) 바닥 (floor) 을 (my object is the floor) 닦 (to mop) 을 거 (going to) 예요 (am; I’m telling you polite and friendly).

 I’m going to mop the floor using the mop and bucket.

 Lit. (I)’m going to mop floor with mop and bucket.

Vacuum Cleaner

The vacuum cleaner, or “진공 청소기” (jingong cheongsogi), is a device used to clean carpets, rugs, and other surfaces by suctioning up dirt and dust. It is a convenient tool for thorough cleaning.

진공 청소기로 방을 청소했어요.

 진공 (jin-gong) 청소기로 (cheong-so-gi-ro) 방을 (bang-eul) 청소했어요 (cheong-so-haet-sseo-yo).

 진공 (vacuum) 청소기 (cleaner) 로 (with) 방 (room) 을 (my object is the room) 청소하 (to clean) ㅆ (past tense) 어요 (I’m telling you polite and friendly). 청소하 -> 청소해, 청소해 + ㅆ = 청소했,

 I vacuumed the room with the vacuum cleaner.

 Lit. (I) cleaned room with vacuum cleaner.

Stain Remover

A stain remover, or “얼룩 제거제” (eolluk jegeoje), is a cleaning product specifically designed to treat and remove stubborn stains from clothes, carpets, upholstery, and other surfaces.

커피 얼룩을 제거하기 위해 얼룩 제거제를 사용했어요.

 커피 (keo-pi) 얼룩을 (eol-lu-geul) 제거하기 (je-geo-ha-gi) 위해 (wi-hae) 얼룩 (eol-luk) 제거제를 (je-geo-je-reul) 사용했어요 (sa-yong-haet-sseo-yo).

 커피 (coffee) 얼룩 (stain) 을 (my object is the coffee stain) 제거하 (to get rid of) 기 위해 (to) 얼룩 (stain) 제거제 (remover) 를 (my object is a stain remover) 사용하 (to use) ㅆ (past tense) 어요 (I’m telling you polite and friendly). 사용하 -> 사용해, 사용해 + ㅆ = 사용했,

 I used a stain remover to get rid of the coffee stain.

 Lit. (I) used stain remover to get rid of coffee stain.

Air Freshener

An air freshener, or “공기 청정제” (gonggi cheongjeongje), is a product used to add a pleasant fragrance to indoor spaces, eliminating unwanted odors and providing a fresh scent.

공기 청정제가 다 떨어졌을 때 교체하는 것을 잊지 마세요.

 공기 (gong-gi) 청정제가 (cheong-jeong-je-ga) 다 (da) 떨어졌을 때 (ddeo-reo-jyeot-sseul-ttae) 교체하는 (gyo-che-ha-neun) 것을 (geo-seul) 잊지 (it-jji) 마세요 (ma-se-yo).

 공기 (air) 청정제 (purifier) 가 (my subject is the air freshener) 다 (all) 떨어지 (to be out of) 었 (past tense) 을 때 (when) 교체하 (to replace) 는 것 (to )을 (my object is to replace) 잊 (to forget) 지 마 (don’t) 세요 (please).

 Don’t forget to replace the air freshener when it runs out.

 Lit. Please, don’t forget to replace air freshener when (it) ran out all.

Mold Cleaner

A mold and mildew cleaner, or “곰팡이 제거제” (gompangi jegeoje), is a cleaning solution formulated to remove mold, mildew, and fungal growth from surfaces, such as bathroom tiles, grout, or shower curtains.

이 곰팡이 제거제는 강력합니다.

 이 (i) 곰팡이 (gom-pang-i) 제거제는 (je-geo-je-neun) 강력합니다 (gang-ryeok-kam-ni-da).

 이 (this) 곰팡이 (mold) 제거제 (remover) 는 (my topic is this mold cleaner) 강력하 (to be powerful) ㅂ니다 (is; I’m telling you in a polite and formal way).

 This mold cleaner is powerful.

 Lit. This mold remover is powerful.


In conclusion, “cleaning in Korean language” with the right tools is crucial for maintaining a clean and tidy home, which holds great significance in Korean culture. These essential “cleaning in Korean” supplies, commonly found in Korean households, help facilitate the process of keeping living spaces spotless and inviting. By embracing these must-have tools, one can fully immerse themselves in the beauty of Korean cleaning practices and experience the joy of a pristine environment, all while “cleaning in Korean.” So, equip yourself with these supplies and embark on a journey to elevate your “cleaning in Korean” routine the Korean way.

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