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눈치를 보다 Meaning in English
The Korean phrase 눈치를 보다 meaning in English can be translated as “to read the room” or “to assess the situation” in English. 눈치를 보다 meaning in English often refers to observing someone’s reactions or the overall mood of a situation to determine how to act or respond.
For example:
- “He’s trying to figure out if he made a mistake” becomes 그는 실수했는지 눈치를 보고 있어.
- “She read the room before speaking” becomes 그녀는 말하기 전에 눈치를 봤어.
In essence, 눈치 refers to one’s intuition or ability to pick up on social cues, and 보다 means “to see” or “to observe.” Combined, 눈치를 보다 highlights the culturally significant practice of being attuned to others’ feelings or the environment in Korean society.
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눈치를 보다 Nuances and Usage
The nuance of 눈치를 보다 lies in its emphasis on social awareness. It’s often used in contexts where one needs to gauge how others feel before acting.
Here are some key contexts for 눈치를 보다:
- Avoiding Conflict: Carefully observing reactions to avoid upsetting someone.
- 예: 상사 눈치를 보면서 일해야 해요. (I have to work while watching my boss’s mood.)
- Gauging Timing: Deciding the right moment to act or speak.
- 예: 그는 눈치를 보며 질문을 했어. (He asked a question after gauging the atmosphere.)
- Seeking Approval: Checking if your actions are accepted by others.
- 예: 아이가 엄마 눈치를 보며 장난감을 사달라고 했다. (The child glanced at their mom for approval to ask for a toy.)
Understanding 눈치를 보다 meaning in English is key to mastering Korean social dynamics and conversations.
Example Sentences with 눈치를 보다 Meaning in English
(Avoiding a boss’s bad mood)
Korean: 상사 눈치를 보면서 일해야 해요.
English: I have to work while watching my boss’s mood.
- 상사 (boss) 눈치를 보면서 (while observing the mood) 일해야 해요 (have to work).
(Checking the atmosphere before speaking)
Korean: 그는 눈치를 보며 질문을 했어.
English: He asked a question after gauging the atmosphere.
- 그는 (he) 분위기를 보며 (gauging the atmosphere) 질문을 했어 (asked a question).
(Seeking approval from a parent)
Korean: 아이가 엄마 눈치를 보며 장난감을 사달라고 했다.
English: The child glanced at their mom for approval to ask for a toy.
- 아이가 (the child) 엄마 눈치를 보며 (glancing at their mom’s reaction) 장난감을 사달라고 했다 (asked for a toy).
눈치를 보다 meaning in English reflects a deep cultural focus on empathy and social harmony. Mastering this phrase can help you navigate Korean interactions with confidence and finesse.
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